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A World In Change – Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Alasdair Macleod, Craig Hemke and Dave Kranzler - Rory Hall (27/4/2017)

Image: Chinese flag with pile of gold bars

April 27, 2017

We present a comprehensive review of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, including the members, the economics, the resources involved and the people. We show how this global organization is going to impact every person, business and country world wide. The US Dollar hegemony is dying. The Eastern countries are preparing for what is coming next. We hope you will heed the warning and begin doing your on research and plan accordingly.

Everything is going to change and tomorrow will not look, nor operate, as it does today. Alasdair Macleod from GoldMoney.com and FinanceandEconomics.org begins by introducing who is currently involved and how they relate to one another economically. Craig Hemke from TFMetalsReport.com introduces us to the economics, currency swaps and the possibility of a gold back currency. Dave Kranzler from InvestmentResearchDynamics.com introduces us to some of the history and comprehensive look at the members list and explains how China may be “playing along” with the IMF regarding the SDR (Special Drawing Rights) fiat currency. If you need to have a task completed you usually need people involved. The SCO will encompass approximately 3 billion people. That is not a typo, 3 billion people. This represents approximately half the global population.

Twenty years ago most of these people were considered “poor” and from a “third world country”. Today, their wealth is growing and the countries in which they reside are becoming economic powerhouses. When the United States decided in the 1990’s that we no longer wanted to be bothered with manufacturing, we shipped all those good paying, prosperous jobs to these “third world countries” because they had lots of people willing to work for a lot less money. This is to say nothing of the overbearing regulations that spew from Washington DC and strangle American business. Want to open a new business? Well, you better be prepared to meet with the EPA, OSHA and Codes Administration before you begin pursuing your desire to provide for yourself, your family and your community. All of these “third world countries” are not strapped with regulations on top of regulations.

China and Russia have both opened their form of the SWIFT system. The SWIFT system is a currency clearing system that allows countries to conduct business with one another. Prior to January 2015 all currencies, the world over, were forced to use the US SWIFT. The US abused this privilege in 2012 when Iran was shut out and could not conduct business on a global scale. Their currency immediately experienced a 40% devaluation and Iran went into hyperinflation. Russia stepped in and began trading gold for oil. China quickly followed suit. Iran and Russia have been global enemies every since. What currency will we use to conduct business? Will it be a gold backed currency? Will the US Dollar be around forever? Will China, Russia and the other US creditor nations continue funding the US credit card? While some of these questions seem obvious, they are not as easily answered as you may think. The USDollar is dying. The Renminbi is rising in prominence and being used in trade all over the world. There are Renminbi/Yuan currency hubs in Vancouver, Los Angeles and The City of London, just to name some of the larger cities where one can easily conduct business, including everyday transactions, in Chinese Renminbi/Yuan. Times are changing and changing very rapidly. According to Voxeu.org the Renminbi (RMB) is rising quickly on the global stage:

Since the Chinese government announced the establishment of its pilot Shanghai free-trade zone (FTZ) in September 2013, the renminbi has gone from being a largely unusable currency to nudging its way into the top-10 most used around the world. However, for a country that dominates international trade flows and with a forecast GDP of 6.3% of 2015 – compared with global forecasts of 3.5% – the currency has not yet reached anything close to its full potential. “The currency is underutilised at an international level,” says Astrid Thorsen, head of business intelligence at Swift. But its modest use is not down to a lack of interest from the global markets. The results on the question around RMB usage recorded in Euromoney’s Trade Finance Survey presented some of the most conclusive figures in the poll. The frequently predicted rise of RMB use looks certain to stay on track, as 38% of respondents stated their belief that 5% of their total trade will be denominated in renminbi in the next 12 to 24 months. The expectation that the use of the RMB will rise is marked. Even more emphatic is that 70% of respondents believe up to 25% of their trade will be conducted in RMB in the next two years. Crucially, this is a trend that goes far beyond China’s near neighbours.

What about war? History has shown time and again when there is a major monetary change there is war. The current regime does not want to relinquish power and wealth. We are hopeful this will change with the current situation. Russia, believe it or not, is actually the wild card. The East is only concerned with doing business. The Chinese are traveling the world over to insure the Yuan/Renminbi is on a steady pace to replace the USDollar regardless of what happens. We hope you give this a listen, allow it digest and then listen again. Above all, we hope you are aware that tomorrow will not look like yesterday. Everything is changing. Are you ready for your world to function differently?

Rory Hall, Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Coin, has written over 700 articles and produced more than 200 videos about the precious metals market, economic and monetary policies as well as geopolitical events since 1987. His articles have been published by Zerohedge, SHTFPlan, Sprott Money, GoldSilver and Silver Doctors, SGTReport, just to name a few. Rory has contributed daily to SGTReport since 2012. He has interviewed experts such as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Dr. Marc Faber, Eric Sprott, Gerald Celente and Peter Schiff, to name but a few. Visit The Daily Coin website and The Daily Coin YouTube channels to enjoy original and some of the best economic, precious metals, geopolitical and preparedness news from around the world.

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