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John Rubino: Are We Facing A Greater Depression or Weimar Germany? - Rory Hall (30/1/2017)

Image: GOld bars

January 30, 2017

As the monetary magic show continues to unfold it seems our options are running thin as to how our economies can pull out of this ongoing illusion.

John Rubino, Dollar Collapse, explains it like this:

The behavior of the government going forward almost doesn’t matter because the system is toast, regardless. It’s just a question of what kind of a crisis we end up engineering with our mistakes going forward.
We could have a 1930’s style depression, when all this debt gets wiped out by default, Or we could have a Weimar Germany kind of crack-up boom hyperinflation where we just print so much new currency that it becomes worthless. Those are the only two ways to get rid of debt at this level, you can’t grow your way out of it. – John Rubino, The Daily Coin

As this charade continues to bear down on our economies, our communities and our lives we are left with very simple options – accept the reality of what is happening and begin moving some funds into gold and silver or ignore what is happening and be swept away by the money-junkies and their failure to do the right thing and allow the system to clean itself out through debt default of the too big to jail banks.

Going cashless is the only way the too big to jail banks can continue the illusion. If people have the option of taking their funds out of the banking system they will exercise that right. Negative interest rates (theft) is coming to the U.S.. The way to insure that people have funds available for the theft to occur is force them into the system and remove any vehicle that allows for escape – physical cash is that escape, physical gold and silver are completely outside the banking system so there is actually a built in resistance to this coming onslaught of financial bedlam.

Silver, as Mr. Rubino points out, may be the better of the two metals. Not only does silver rise and fall in value along side gold, silver is even more resistant to government mandated monetary policies.

Silver might go up relative to gold, it will go up dramatically relative to dollars and somewhat relative to gold. So, it might be the best thing to own. It’s nice and cheap right now, it’s had a drop from $50 an ounce to $16 and change today, so, I think 5-10 years from now people are going to look back at these prices and wish they had mortgaged the house, sold the extra car and took their kids out of college and used that money to buy silver. Not that I’m recommending that you do any of this, I’m saying people are going to wish they did. – John Rubino

Rory Hall, Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Coin, has written over 700 articles and produced more than 200 videos about the precious metals market, economic and monetary policies as well as geopolitical events since 1987. His articles have been published by Zerohedge, SHTFPlan, Sprott Money, GoldSilver and Silver Doctors, SGTReport, just to name a few. Rory has contributed daily to SGTReport since 2012. He has interviewed experts such as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Dr. Marc Faber, Eric Sprott, Gerald Celente and Peter Schiff, to name but a few. Visit The Daily Coin website and The Daily Coin YouTube channels to enjoy original and some of the best economic, precious metals, geopolitical and preparedness news from around the world.

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