The U.S. Can Learn From India’s Move To Digital Currency? - Dave Kranzler (18/2/2017)

February 18, 2017
In short, we can learn to not let it happen here.
In August, Obama’s Defense Secretary, Ashton Carter, appointed Jeff Bezos to the little-known and highly secretive Defense Innovation Advisory Board. This for me confirmed that Bezos was an integral part of the Deep State, which I began to suspect when Amazon’s cloud computing division started receiving contracts from various Deep State divisions (like the CIA). This “advisory” board is chaired by Googles Eric Schmidt.
This position dovetails nicely with Bezos’ ownership of the Washington Post, which has been transformed into part of the Deep State’s program to proliferate propaganda – or “fake news.” Funded by the taxpayers, the work being done by this Board has intentionally been “kept under wraps,” as Business Insider describes.
After, all the Washington Post has been well respected for decades as one of the primary “go-to” newspapers for domestic and international political news reporting. Trusted as such, historically if a news item was reported by the WashPo, it had to be true, right?
Under Bezos’ control, and in the context that Bezos is part of the Deep State mechanism, the WashPo has become an Orwellian device in the “war on truth.” In addition, Bezos can use the “power of the pen” as a powerful political weapon against politicians or Government bureaucrats who oppose the Establishment and the Deep State.
With that as a backdrop, the Washington Post published a curious report on the Indian Government’s of the removal of the most commonly used cash bills by the Indian populace titled, What The U.S. Can Learn From India’s Move Toward A Cashless Society. The article goes on to describe all of these “benefits” but only casually mentions the huge economic disruption caused by the move.
Of course, these “benefits” all had to do with the implementation of technology which makes it easier for the Government to identify, track and ultimately control the individual. It should come as no surprise to us that, given the role Bezos plays as part of the Deep State, Bezos’ newspaper would be promoting the digital banking system.
A crucial fact not known by most is that the former Chairman of India’s Central Bank – the Reserve Bank of India – was appointed as the Vice Chairman of the BIS in 2015. This fact calls into question the idea that digitizing India’s banking system was motivated by anything other than the western elitists’ goal of implementing totalitarianism.
While the WaPo did mention the disruption to India’s economy caused by the removal of the most common currency bills, the article did not mention the fact that the move temporarily undermined the population’s ability to buy gold during the country’s biggest seasonal gold buying period. This latter effect was likely one of the primary motives behind the move and it underscores the control over India that can be exerted by the western elitists and their Central Banking cartel.
The bottom line is that India was used as “testing ground” for the western global elitists’ plan to digitize the global currency system. This will be used to exert Orwellian totalitarian control over the masses. It should come as no surprise that the wealthiest elitists like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos have been advocating a cashless banking system, backed by the “intellectual” support of “academics” like Harvard’s Larry Summers and Kenneth Rogoff.
There’s no question that subtle and gradual effort will be used to implement a cashless banking system in the U.S. All the warning signs are flashing. I also suspect that, at some point, the “national security” card will be pulled in persuading the masses that cash is the “currency of terrorists.”
Ben Franklin once warned, to paraphrase him, that if we give up some of our freedom in exchange for security, we will eventually end up with neither. That is where we are headed unless there’s an effort to prevent the elimination and use of cash in our economic system.
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